CPC Cleaning Service/Dexter Schools NOW HIRING! Full-Time Evening Supervisor for the Dexter School District. Company benefits after 90 days of employment. Competitive Wages. Requirements for the position are but not limited to, training new employees, effective communication skills, both written and verbal, address employee performance and evaluations. For inquiries call Sam Porch at 573-614-1000 ext 1101 or go to the BEC office.
10 days ago, Dexter Schools
Central Elementary- Open House is tonight (Tuesday, August 20th) from 5:30-6:30. Students may bring their school supplies to drop off and meet their teacher. Any families that still need to complete registration or scan necessary documents including: birth certificate, shot record, proof of residence, or legal documents may do so beginning at 5:00 in the Central Elementary cafeteria. We are excited to see everyone tonight!
6 months ago, Megan Miller
If you are unable to visit MS today to stock your locker, the Middle School will be open August 13 and 14 from 2:00 - 6:00 for you to take care of this. You can also bring supplies on the first day of school, August 21. We are looking forward to a great year!
6 months ago, Nancy Langley
Please bring any new or gently used shoes to donate at the FBLA table today. Or you can drop them at any of the schools until Sept 6th. This is a recycling/fundraiser for FBLA. Thank you.
6 months ago, Sharon Guy
Central Elementary- Please make plans to attend the Back-to School Bash on July 31st from 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. in the Bearcat Event Center. Parent/Guardians need to accompany students to get their parent portal information set-up, online registration completed, school pictures taken, and student schedule. All students will need to bring a copy of their birth certificate, shot records, and any legal documents to upload into our new system.
6 months ago, Megan Miller
On July 31st from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., we will host our Back-to-School Bash in the Bearcat Event Center. A Parent/Guardians must accompany students to get the parent portal account information. This information will not be given to a student on behalf of their parent. Thank you!
6 months ago, Nancy Langley
Parents of incoming 8th graders: This is a reminder your student has mandatory immunizations due when school starts.. You can have shot records faxed to the Middle School at 573-614-1012 or bring records to registration on July 31 in the BEC.
6 months ago, Nancy Langley
This message is for parents of incoming 8th graders: This is a reminder your student has mandatory immunizations due when school starts.. You can have shot records faxed to the Middle School at 573-614-1012 or bring records to registration on July 31 in the BEC.
8 months ago, Nancy Langley
Summer Journey starts tomorrow morning! Breakfast is served 7:15-7:45. Middle School Students need to be dropped off at Central Elementary for breakfast daily. If you are picking up your Middle School student when school dismisses at 2:00, use the lot on the east side of Middle School. All other grades will drop off and pick up where they will attend school. Our school day is 7:30-2:00. Kindergarten students and parents/guardians will meet in the Southwest gym at 9:00 tomorrow. Thank you!
8 months ago, Nancy Langley
Summer Journey starts tomorrow morning! Breakfast is served 7:15-7:45. Middle School Students need to be dropped off at Central Elementary for breakfast daily. If you are picking up your Middle School student when school dismisses at 2:00, use the lot on the east side of Middle School. All other grades will drop off and pick up where they will attend school. Our school day is 7:30-2:00. Kindergarten students and parents/guardians will meet in the Southwest gym at 9:00 tomorrow. Thank you!
8 months ago, Nancy Langley
Central Elementary- 5th grade clap out will be tomorrow (Friday, May 17th) at 10:00. Parents will line the sidewalk in front of the building. If it is raining, doors will be opened at 9:45 to enter the cafeteria.
9 months ago, Megan Miller
Central Elementary- 5th grade clap out will be tomorrow (Friday, May 17th) at 10:00. Parents will line the sidewalk in front of the building. If it is raining, doors will be opened at 9:45 to enter the cafeteria.
9 months ago, Megan Miller
Central Elementary- Tomorrow students will be dismissed at 12:00 for the last day of the 23-34 school year. Remember- No backpacks or bags may be brought to school.
9 months ago, Megan Miller
We will celebrate our 3 retirees this week with the following days! Monday - Pajama Party in the USA! Wear PJs or Red, White, and Blue Tuesday - Mrs. T. Day - Rocking the School Year Out! Dress like a rock star or a grandma/grandpa. Wednesday - Mrs. Stize Day - Thank you for the Music! Dress in your favorite era. Thursday - Mr. Kruse Day - KISS the School Year Goodbye! Rock band or Bearcat t-shirts Friday - School's Out For SUMMER! Dress like SUMMER!
9 months ago, Nancy Langley
8th graders will begin MAP testing tomorrow, May1. They will complete 2 sessions of the ELA test. Thursday and Friday, May 2-3, 8th grade will be taking the Science test. All Middle School, grades 6-8, will be MAP testing next week, May 6-10 in the areas of Math and ELA. Please avoid scheduling appointments during MAP tests. Students will need their Chromebook fully charged and wired earbuds. Free breakfast will be provided to all students May 1 - 10. Thank you!
9 months ago, Nancy Langley
Central Elementary- Monday, April 29th we will be having a hat day. Students are asked to bring $1 to wear a hat. Money raised will be a love offering given to 2 Central staff members dealing with health concerns.
9 months ago, Megan Miller
If you want your student/s to attend Summer Journey, registration closes tomorrow night, 4/25. Any student signed up after tomorrow may be placed on the waiting list. Thank you! Use this link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSdO-UHieiw0qA_va5xEpmDe3XXB7JoaofVE3ratZOfpFJ9uug/formResponse
10 months ago, Nancy Langley
Central Elementary- Kids Heart Challenge RED Tshirt day tomorrow!! If you didn’t get a shirt, feel free to wear red to celebrate being the top school in SEMO & Southern IL!! If you haven’t gotten your shirt yet, please see Coach Orf in the morning.
10 months ago, Megan Miller
Registration for Summer Journey is extended through April 25. If your student is required or recommended to attend and you haven't already signed them up, you will receive a letter from school this week. Students with perfect attendance will get $100.00, students missing up to 1 day will get $75.00, and students missing up to 2 days will get $50.00. Students entering 9th grade, who aren’t seeking high school credit, can attend Summer Journey. Any student taking high school credit will receive information from the high school. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSdO-UHieiw0qA_va5xEpmDe3XXB7JoaofVE3ratZOfpFJ9uug/formResponse
10 months ago, Nancy Langley
Central Elementary- Don't forget Spring picture day is TOMORROW, Thursday, April 11th. Pictures can be pre-ordered at: WagnerPortraitGroup.com Pre-order password: 6E8T2Y9V
10 months ago, Megan Miller