The district will meet the needs of all students through comprehensive educational programs, extra-curricular opportunities, and policy improvements while working closely with parents, school support groups, and community agencies to provide a school environment that promotes safety, order, and discipline.
The district will, as stated in the 2013- 2018 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, focus on Language Arts achievement, with a goal of annually increasing the percentage of students in grades 3 through 12 who score in the proficient and/or advanced category on the statewide English Language Arts assessment.
The district will, as stated in the 2013 - 2018 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, focus on mathematics achievement, with a goal of annually increasing the percentage of students in grades 3 through 12 who score in the proficient and/or advanced category on the statewide Mathematics assessment.
The district will, as stated in the 2013 - 2018 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, focus on science achievement, with a goal of annually increasing the percentage of students in grades 5 through 12 who score in the proficient and/or advanced category on the statewide Science assessment.
The district will, as stated in the 2013 - 2018 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, focus on improving subgroup (free/reduced lunch, racial/ethnic background, ELL, and students with disabilities) student achievement to meet or exceed the state standard.
The instructional staff will, in conjunction with the district’s Curriculum and Instruction Administrators, the Professional Development Committee and building principals, use building-level planned professional development activities to focus on improving student achievement in all subject areas with an emphasis upon language Arts and mathematics.
The district will continue to emphasize the use of school library/media centers as a means to improve student achievement and teacher instruction.
The district will utilize the 2012 – 2015 technology plan to improve student achievement, enhance teacher instruction, and improve home-school communications.
The district will continue to focus on improving the student attendance and graduation rates.
During the 2013 –2014 school year, facility renovation/repair including security needs will be identified and addressed.
A long-range facility plan will be developed to address all foreseeable major renovations that need to occur within the next 5 years and funding for such improvements will be secured.
Multiple transitory steps will be taken to prepare for implementation of the Common Core Standards for the 2014 -2015 school year.