Click here to download a printable school supply list
Updated: 7/12/2024
Third Grade
NO pencil sharpeners
NO mechanical pencils
NO art boxes
1 - Zipper pencil pouch
1 - Solid color half inch 3-ring binder (non-zip)
1 - Solid color 1 inch 3-ring binder (non-zip)
2 - Packages wide-ruled loose-leaf paper
2 - Box of 24 crayons
2 - Large pink erasers or 1 package of pencil-top erasers
4 - Glue sticks
2 - Large boxes of tissues
2 - Packages of #2 yellow wooden pencils (pre-sharpened preferred, no decorative pencils)
1 - Container of disinfecting wipes **
1- Pair of scissors (size needs to be for 12+)
1 - Closed-top water bottle (NO STRAWS)
1 - Pkg. black dry-erase markers
1 - Box quart size Ziploc bags
1- Pack of 3 highlighters
1 - Box gallon size Ziploc bags
Paper towels and hand sanitizer are appreciated.
**These items usually run out before the end of the year. If you are able to send more, it would be appreciated.
1- Pocket folder
1- Large pink eraser
Tennis shoes - must be worn on scheduled PE days
Fourth Grade
NO pencil sharpeners
NO mechanical pencils
NO art boxes
1 - Zipper pencil pouch (NO boxes)
1 - Box of colored pencils
1 - Box of 24 crayons
2 - Glue sticks
2 - Packages #2 wooden pencils-pre-sharpened preferred**
1 - Package highlighters**
4 - Dry-erase markers**
2 - White erasers (large)
1 - Package wide-ruled loose-leaf paper**
1 - Composition notebook
2 - Large boxes of tissues
2 - Large container disinfecting wipes
1 - Box of 2-gallon Ziploc bags (GIRLS)
1 - Roll paper towels (BOYS)
1 - Pair of scissors
1 - Closed-top water bottle (NO STRAWS)
Teacher Appreciates:
Hand sanitizer
Extra Kleenex
Extra disinfecting wipes
**These items usually run out before the end of the year. If you are able to send more, it would be appreciated.
1 - Pocket folder
Tennis shoes - must be worn on scheduled PE days
Fifth Grade
NO pencil sharpeners
NO mechanical pencils
NO art boxes
1 - Zipper pencil pouch
4 - Packages of pencils - pre-sharpened preferred (12-count)**
1 - Box of colored pencils
2 - Permanent black Sharpies
3 - 4-Packs black Expo markers**
1 - Highlighter
1 - White poster board
3 - Large boxes of tissues**
2 - Containers disinfectant wipes**
1 - Closed-top water bottle (NO STRAWS)
**These items usually run out before the end of the year. If you are able to send more, it would be appreciated.
Tennis shoes - must be worn on scheduled PE days